Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I'm home again to work from here because my office at work is a whopping 87.6 degrees. IN the office. Rumor has it we may get an air conditioner, someday.
My hope for this week was to isolate myself in my office, and write write write all the things I needed to process from the Institute, get all the plans for next year on paper and into a binder (CMD style) and ready to go. I never would have guessed how much writing is involved in this job... or maybe it's just the way I do it. But, I've never found myself at the point where my porgram doesn't need to be revised at all, upgraded, improved, tweaked. Now I'm off to the bedroom, where we have our only air conditioner... to work on Scott's laptop...
Hope it's cooler where you are!

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