Sunday, July 09, 2006

No prophet in his (or her) own land...

Tonight's Gospel reading included one of my favorite lessons- that prophets are never believed in their own land. I've seen evidence of that in my life and my ministry- it makes me think about how we never change our family roles- no matter how old and mature and wonderful we get, isn't it true that when you walk into your parents' house you become your 7-year-old self again? I remember once my Mom telling me how proud she was of how my older brothers and sisters had turned out, and when I asked her how she felt about me, she said "well, you haven't turned out yet!" I was duly insulted, feeling very much turned out and fairly impressive at that. But that's just the way it is.
When I worked at the afore-mentioned parish, I was working so hard to get the Youth Ministry committee to see things in a new way- to step away from the "old way" and try things differently- they thought I had no idea, that I was just... well I don't know. So, I hired someone else, a man... who worked for a college, had credentials,etc... to come and say to my committee exactly what I had been trying to tell them for months. Really, I sat with him before the talk, and told him what to say. My committee was agog. They thought he was BRILLIANT!!! What amazing ideas he had!! he inspired them to think in new and different ways! They would literally quote him to me in meetings. "Remember how he said we don't have to use textbooks?"
If it's true for Jesus, then I guess we have to face it. Even when the world is at our feet, at home we'll just be another one of the kids.

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