Monday, June 26, 2006

so here's the thing about that...

Don't you think that's just bizarre? There are a thousand Youth Ministers here in the RCAB, and they approach their former YM's husband? Isn't there anyone in their parish who could speak to their candidates? How about the pastor, for the love of God? If it was my philosophy of ministry that they didn't like to begin with, wouldn't ya think that my husband/colleague would be of the same ilk? And do they just possibly not know how painful that it was for me to leave there, the kids I loved, the program I had created and believed in? So, if they have any idea of that (my personal pain) would they not think Scott shares that pain?
They say that if you can work for the Catholic Church and remain Catholic, then you're way ahead of the game. These are the things "they" are talking about. How does a group of people work for GOD serving GOD'S PEOPLE and have no idea how to treat people justly and respectfully?
Scott and I talked about this all this morning, of course. His response to the DRE was securely high-road and polite, (although he offered to mean it up a little!) and really, what can you say? My version would have been "are you freakin' kidding me?" But it's not my reply to send, and it wouldn't make much progress toward God's kingdom, I reckon. I told him that leaving that parish has been one of the two most painful experiences in my career. It still feels like a divorce to me, like we broke up and went our separate ways. I don't regret leaving, I know it was the right thing to do and the time to go, and clearly (now) it was God's plan for me- but I still can't help but think "how could they let me go??"
I hate Mondays.

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