Monday, January 14, 2008


Cancel that call to the National Guard, we're home safe. It turns out that internet access was about the only thing we couldn't get from the beautiful Wyndham resort in Orlando. As Scott wonders, why is it that free wi-fi is offered at the cheap places (Panera! McFreakingDonalds!) but not at the fanciest, most expensive spots? It's a poser. So, sorry about my frequent-blogging promise. Anyway, onwards.
So, the conference was great, actually! It was smaller than the conferences I’m used to attending, like the NFCYM and NCEA. I was a little worried that there would be limited good stuff for me there because of the size, but I actually liked the intimacy of it. I went to some great workshops and the keynotes and worship were as good as I had hoped they would be. Best of all was the down-time spent with my staff and colleagues.
We met up with friends from Kansas with whom we are simpatico- we mugged through the hand-motions at prayer (we shall waaaaaalk and never tire!!!) and hit the "tiki bar" as often as possible. It's so fun to meet up with them everywhere, and we parted making promises of future conference time together. And I think we'll even finagle a trip down there for the dedication of their new church. (Hey, did you know some dioceses are building new churches?)
As I start to unpack my bags and peek at the notes I took, I'll blog some more. But for now we've changed from our summer clothes and flip flops to our winter pajamas and slippers to settle in for a snow day. We've gotten about 8 inches from what I can tell, not having ventured outside yet today. Somebody really ought to shovel that porch.

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