Saturday, January 05, 2008

Home alone

Scott's away this weekend on retreat, and I'm home with the cats. The plan is for me to live a little (for instance, I leave the bed unmade, and the toilet lid up... fun! Wooo!) and to get a LOT done. Take the tree down, sort through the gifts and put them away, do some work that I have to get done, and some sewing. I'm running the dishwasher, I took my clothing donations to the St. VdeP box, and cleaned the back window of my car, and did some shopping. But now, I'm stalled. I'm reading about bad celebrity plastic surgery online, and watching DVR'd Pioneers of Television on tv. I might have a snack, or a nap... you know, to rev up my energy for the rest of the chores on my list. You know.

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