Tuesday, January 08, 2008

two thousand eightion!!!

One of my new year's resolutions was to blog every day. I think I'm doing pretty good so far, I only made the resolution very recently, and I've posted twice, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself. (Hey, this makes three! SUCCESS!!!)
But I do have a kind of a resolution for this year. I want to respond to God's graces and blessings by being a better person, and I want to transform myself physically to reflect that. I don't mean that I'm going to get all thin and ravishing (it'd take more than a year for that and I'm already starting late) but I just want to honor God better by the way I treat myself. I feel so good in my soul right now, so that seems like a good jumping-off point.
At work, I'm being bold and trying new things- last night was the first meeting of our new theater team. THEATER TEAM! I don't know how to start a theater team!! Seriously, NO idea. But, here's the thing. Somehow the staff at this parish, and specifically the pastor, seem to think that I can do just about anything. So, I'm going with that unfounded belief, and giving everything a shot. The meeting went really well and the people who showed up are excited about it! How cool is that?
Anyway, I just want to be better so I can feel more deserving of all these blessings. I got my teeth fixed, (two cavities!) and I'm taking a bit more care about how I look every day now (I actually DO my hair now...) and you know, who knows? At some point maybe I'll start doing some sort of exercise or something, or maybe even stop eating like a hog. No promises there.
So, my theme for this year is TRANSFORMATION IN 2008-TION. (If you say it out loud it's pretty catchy).
Let's meet back here a year from now and see how it all went.


HerMajesty00 said...

Yeah a resolution to blog more!!!!! I shall benefit from Margo's generous resolution... And a theater group? Must tell more, sounds intriguing..

Anonymous said...

and I my dear shall therefore make a resolution that should benefit two of my favorite women.

I resolve to abstain from leaving wise-guy or critical comments on your blogs.

You will benefit simply by not having to filter my "aren't I funny" and "aren't I smart" retorts.
Then HerMajesty might benefit come next New Years Eve's "Friends List".
Sounds like a win-win deal for the ladies. Lord knows when Hermajesty is pleased with my behavior, I win too. So blog fearlessly this year, my friend. I shall read every day, but will watch my tongue!(or my typewriting fingers - both of them)