Thursday, February 21, 2008

Come! On! Now!!!

Check out this job description from the A-diocesan YM website. I have substituted only the names of the parish and contact person (in blue). The rest is completely AS-IS on the website:

St. Ridiculous Parish is looking for someone to assist with the administrative functions of the parish and religious education offices and a willingness and ability to help develop and lead a Youth Ministry Program. Applicants should be proficient in Microsoft, QuickBooks and ParishSoft systems. Experience with religious education and/or youth ministry a great plus. Contact Fr. Ugoddabekiddingme.

Seriously, there's so much wrong with that job ad that I can't even figure out where to start bashing it.


Anonymous said...

What a joke - I guess having qualifications as a ym was an after thought

Anonymous said...

What?! You don't think a youth minister should be required and willing to balance the checkbook, bake cookies, sing the songs, AND clean the toilet? Don't you get paid extra for all that?