Sunday, June 29, 2008


We're back! We were in Pittsfield, MA, and the Berkshires on our yearly pilgrimage to the place where we got engaged (8 years ago), to Tanglewood and the live broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion, to Bonnie Brae campground, where the neighbors are louder than the campers.
On our way out there, winding along route 9, we kept rattling off what we were about to see, stopping at places that we've stopped every time, and I said to Scott, "in 10 years we will just have the exact same conversation from door to campsite every year." But each year new memories are built, and different friends and family come out with us, and it's a little different. This year was marked by some rain, especially on the lawn before the PHC show started. Garrison Keillor walked out on the lawn in the pre-show moments, singing to us and stealing muffins from people's picnics.
After the show at Tanglewood every year, when the broadcast has signed off and no one is listening on the radio, Garrison comes back on stage and leads us in a sing along. We usually do some fun patriotic old songs that everyone knows, since it's usually around the 4th of July. This time though, he came back on with all his musical guests and performed for a full HOUR. A whole hour of extra fun with the cast and the hearty few hundred who stuck around, crowded under the shed, in the sauna-heat, swaying and singing at the top of our lungs. SO cool.
Now we're home and it's too rainy out to unload the car, so we're lounging a bit. It's vacation week here so we're looking forward to a lot of lounging like this.
We have a good, good life.

1 comment:

Spicedogs said...

What a nice treat.