Tuesday, November 28, 2006

plane mortality

As rarely as I fly, each time I do it becomes a little bit of a glimpse into my own mortality. I know, I know, every time I get in the car it could be my last time, and the person who sneezed on me today could have been giving me Typhoid. Who knows? But the thing is, you know, flying is a big deal, full of nerves for a lot of people (it's not just me, ya know) and if things DO go wrong up there, it's a long way down.
So before we take off, I'll make sure the cats are in order and all is set here, which is necessary since we'll be away for a while, but a bonus if we never get back.

I think, too, about God's apparent love of ironic headlines- "Catholic Youth Ministers killed in fiery wreck!" and of how whenever you hear about the unfortunate death of people in situations like this, people are quoted in the paper "she was SO excited about this trip. She said it was going to restore her faith!" I mean, really, it's a tearjerker article in the making. Very little editing needed there to make it a heart-string tugger. And now a blog entry! "the woman's last words on her blog detailed her foresight about her own demise..."

I know, I sound gloomy! But like I say, travel like this is rare and significant for me. I don't really expect the worst, and won't even really be that nervous, I bet, but still, it gives one pause. The good news is, if anything does happen, I'll be with Scott, and he's a ringer- heavenbound, if anyone is... and I'll just hold on to his hand so tight they'll have to take me too.

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