Sunday, June 03, 2007

pregnancy sucks.

I am not one of those blissful, happy women who glow joyfully through their pregnancies. I am miserable. I am trying as hard as I can not to make everyone around me miserable, but it's not easy!
I'm sick. Often. When I'm not throwing up (prob. 2 sessions a day) I am just nauseous. I'm exhausted. I miss food. I can't eat anything normal, like meat of any kind. The other night at a party I eschewed the burgers, couldn't eat the hot dogs, and had to avoid the salad because it has gorgonzola in it- that's a no-no. I ate chips and dip, watermelon, and pasta salad. Maybe God wants me to appreciate the plight of vegetarians?
My two-week vacation lies ahead of me like golden gates- I can't waaaaaiiiit. It will be so nice to relax and not worry about finding clothes to wear that don't make me look pregnant, about having to throw up while I'm doing public speaking, having to no-thank-you coffee or wine... I just want to fast-forward two weeks and start fresh. Not to mention, two weeks from now I'll either be two weeks farther in the pregnancy, or... not. It will be nice to know, either way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're WICKED sick and nauseous to the point you can't eat, there are great medications from your OB to stop or decrease it. I spent a few days hospitalized and on IV fluids due to all my vomiting until they started the antiemetic. You don't have to feel lousy just cause you're pregnant!! Good luck!