Friday, August 18, 2006

The Book Meme

One thing that every blogger must know about is the “meme”, which is kind of like those chain emails where you are asked a series of questions and you must answer them, and then tag someone else to do it too, on their blog.
This one, called the “book meme”, has been passed around all the blogs that I read regularly but since I am a veritable unknown, I had to wait until ATP at the Scrutinies blog (links to come) passed it to “everyone!” and that is my in! So here goes:

1. One book that changed your life: The Godbearing Life. This book changed my ministry in amazing ways- got me back to focusing on the POINT of ministry, which is not paperwork and politics but rather GOD. Radical.

2. One book that you've read more than once: A Wrinkle in Time. I don’t read many books more than once, but I did go through a phase in my 20’s where I wanted to re-read a lot of the “young adult novels” that had transfixed me when I was a young teenager. So, A Wrinkle in Time, but also “The Diamond in the Window” and the others in that series, and “All of a Kind Family”, and more.

3. One book you'd want on a desert island: I have no idea. Maybe a dictionary?

4. One book that made you laugh: Barrel Fever, by David Sedaris. Not for the feint of heart and soooo dark but wickedly, wickedly funny. I laughed out loud while feeling ashamed that I was laughing. Ohhhhh good stuff.

5. One book that made you cry: The Lovely Bones, but probably not where you’d expect… I cried like a baby when her dog arrived in her heaven, (or whatever that was) because I want so much to believe that my pets will be there to greet me, too.

6. One book that you wish had been written: the Godbearing Life! I swear I’ve got a book like that in me somewhere.

7. One book that you wish had never been written: Most of the Dickens books I was made to read in high school. WHY so much detail???

8. One book you're currently reading: American Bee: The National Spelling Bee and the Culture of Word Nerds. An anniversary gift from Scott, who knows what I like! I did finally finish Cordelia Underwood, which I liked, but struggled through. Now I’m inexplicably drawn to the next in the series, which is pulling me away from the Bee book, and that’s making me avoid reading at all, so as not to have to choose.

9. One book you've been meaning to read: I have been teasing myself by putting off buying Spook, by Mary Roach, because I loved Stiff.

Tag: Sue B, because she is the only person I know who has a blog, and of course you blogless ones are welcome to answer the questions in the “comments” section of this blog. Happy Reading!


Dorian Speed said...

Yippee! I'm glad you took me up on my "tagging." Interesting recommendations - more to add to my library list! :)

Of Graveyards and Things said...

Your inspiration has spread! I've memed the meme you memed to Mom! mmm mmm mmm!