Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Service Schmervice

Tonight is our first-ever "Celebration of Service" at my parish, with our Freshmen. They met in the early spring to hear about the different service opportunities available to them, in groups with adult mentors, and now they are to come back, with their parents (mostly because their behavior was atrocious last time we met) to present what they've accomplished and cheer on their fellow frosh for their efforts.
Now, this is the first time we've tried it. Consider this year the "pilot program". The goal was to provide kids an opportunity to do some service, for someone- and to gather tonight and see what good we've all done in the world, to see how our efforts make a difference Out There, and In Here- the Church community.
We don't know quite how this is going to go- so many of our families are bailing out their basements they may not make it. And some may even assume it's cancelled due to rain/flooding. I'm okay with a small, pilot-sized group. I just pray it's a successful night and that people leave happy!
Service, as part of a "Confirmation program", is a bone of contention among YM's and religious ed coordinators. Sure, it's great to encourage kids to do service, but the shocking truth is that it has as much to do with the Sacrament of Confirmation as... well, as most of the other "hoops" we've placed in between kids and the Sacrament.
Kids these days (the "postmoderns") seem to show an already strong tendency to want to do service in the world. No need for the Church to require it, really (the best case scenario, in my opinion, would be for the Church to offer opportunities, and the parents to require it for their kids... and hey, maybe even participate with them!)and it's plumb wrong to make it a requirement for Confirmation.
I'll babble on about Confirmation requirements in due time here. Meanwhile, wish us grace tonight, and pray for happy people!

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