Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Is it shallow to blog about Grey's Anatomy?

Awesome episode, I was on the edge of my seat, and I cried most at the death-of-dog scene. Poor Doc!

1. My friends are picking on George's new girlfriend, because she's larger than the rest of the crowd. But, that's size-ism they're guilty of. I like her, she's curvy and the point is that she's not supposed to fit in. Be nice. I did think the hallway makeout was a little clumsy as she could clearly take George in a fight.
2. I am mad at Christina. She doesn't deserve Burke and he deserves better. I mean I know she's tough and detached but seriously, buck up!!!
3. Oh that scene between Meredith and Derek was Steaming! Whoo! Glad I wasn't watching with my parents!
4. I want Meredith to pick the vet! He's so sweet and he will be crushed! But after a scene like that, really... how could you turn back. I guess the vet will get over it, in time.
5. and finally, I totally called that Denny was going to die. Izzie, if you want to make that connection, KILLED him. Sure, maybe he would have died eventually but they would have at least had more time together! I feel bad that Izzie doesn't know that he actually died pretty peacefully, and happy about her. And as for Karev. He's bad. He might have sweet feelings for Izzie under there, but he's a bad, bad person. Mark my words.

1 comment:

Penrick said...

I blogged about House, so blogging about tv shows is ok.

I agree with most of your assessment. Denny would have been worthless in a very short time on the show. What do you do with a well patient?

I am Meredith, so I want her to choose McDreamy. I do love McVet - but he is too good for her.