Friday, February 09, 2007

cat actress

So, Zarley has this trick- her favorite toy is a length of wire with old pieces of Christmas ribbon attached at each end. We call it her "woobie". She scoots into the loop so that the wire hangs over her back and wraps itself around her, and she walks with it, jumps up onto things with it still hanging on her, and generally loves it. In her younger, more energetic years, she would grab one of the ribbon-ends, start to walk with it, and then pretend to spy the other end "following" her. She'd spin around to catch the other ribbon, pure joy.
I've always wanted to catch her on video doing this, because I've never known another cat with a wire best friend. I've tried a million times but she is a very unwilling performer. Here's my latest try:


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Feliway is too strong?!

margmor said...

lol maybe... she does seem pretty subdued, doesn't she? But it couldn't be that, the Feliways at the other end of the house, and sometimes the two of them sit in front of it--- directly next to it--- and hiss at each other. They are clearly not taking this pheromone thing seriously!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, video of a cat licking itself. Wow! That's a keeper.