Wednesday, April 09, 2008

You looking for something?

My counter, wayyyy at the bottom of the page, tells me about the people who look at my blog. It tells me where the lookers live, and how they found my page, and the coolest thing about that is what google searches led people to my pages. Here are the last 9 google references:

(go ahead, click on the picture, fool)

9. TDBI (that's the Too Dangerously Beautiful Idea)
8. Elfed Myself (seriously? With all the people who've elfed themselves, mine is what you come up with at google?)
7. Cat actress (I have no idea)
6. Cat pheromones (remember that failed attempt at reconciling my fighting cats?)
5. Do U hang the American flag when it’s raining (no.)
4. Is it safe to take a shower when it’s raining (yes.)
3. Happy Cat Pheremones (sic)
2. Milestone ministries (hey a ministry one! cool!)
1. Describing rainy day (huh. Must be a poet looking for inspiration. Hope they found it at my site!)

Funny, huh, what you can know about the world these days?

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