Thursday, August 30, 2007

I knew all along

With all this hubbub about poor ol' Mother Theresa this week, it certainly has gotten me thinking. I knew about her doubts and faith crises, because a friend of ours who worked with MT's AIDS ministry in the US, has been telling the story for years. I remember him telling about her as a doubter- Mother Theresa!! I felt so relieved because here I was, a minister, with the holiest faith possible. (That is, it had lots of holes.) To hear that SHE doubted, even while trying to do God's will, was good news for me. It meant that I could do the same. I could serve the very God in whom my trust was shaky.
When Mother Theresa died, and when Pope JPII died, everyone hailed their wonderfulness, drowning out the few small voices who whispered "well.....". I've read articles about Mother Theresa, criticizing her for being "first and foremost interested not in providing medical treatment, but in furthering Catholic doctrine and--quite literally--becoming a saint." (that's from Christopher Hitchens' book Missionary Position. I know, It's Christopher Hitchens, but still, I'm just sayin'.)
But sainthood, I reckon, isn't so much about perfection as it is about intention. The intention, beyond all difficulties, barriers, doubts, and persecutions, to serve God in the best way that one can. Now that's encouraging!!

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