Monday, May 25, 2009

A Moment of Silence, please!!

Today as we tooled around the North Shore on a daytrip celebrating Memorial Day, we were listening to the Red Sox game on the radio. At 3:00 they announced that they would have a moment of silence for our veterans, and then immediately started playing a song. That inspired us to write our own song. Here are the lyrics, you'll have to insert your own tune:

This is a song about a moment of silence, a moment of silence, a moment of silence!
A moment of silence is what we'd be having, if we weren't singing this song!

I think we have come up with something truly moving that will improve all moments of silence from now and on through history. Everybody sing!


Unknown said...

LOL...perhaps a "pause for reflection" might have been better suited for a song. Word choice is important, says the editor. :-)

Father68 said...

You guys are soooo funny...I mean that. I actually laughed out loud!

Anonymous said...

Love your song! I was watching the Red Sox game, too and thought, "Oh, did I miss the moment of silence?" Or perhaps it really was JUST a moment, and I wasn't paying close enough attention?